for the LasTrap Lobster TrapMemorial University Testimonial
Field Trials of Innovative, Recyclable Lobster Traps
The purpose of this project was to assist The Lobster Trap Company with its development of a new product for the lobster industry in Atlantic Canada. The company recently developed an innovative, recyclable, plastic lobster trap, called LasTrap. We conducted a small-scale pilot study to compare the catching performance against traditional traps to validate the commercial potential for this new product.
Data collection:
For the first half of the fishing season, the Marine Institute had an employee and summer student in the region. For each trap hauled, the employee or student recorded a) numbers of legal-sized lobster, b) numbers of sub-legal
We suggest that further testing continue next lobster season, with more experimental traps….
It is noteworthy to point out that the catch rates of the experimental traps were more viable compared to the traditional wire traps.
Dr. Paul Winger, PhD
Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Resources (CSAR)
Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University
Dalhousie University Testimonial
We first collaborated with The Lobster Trap Company in 2017 with the support of Nova Scotia Business Inc’s Productivity and Innovation Voucher Program, and were immediately impressed with this new concept for an all plastic injection molded lobster trap. We undertook a design review of the client’s existing machined prototype plastic lobster trap with a focus on design optimization for the injection molding process. A plastic flow analysis of key components was performed along with a general design review for weight/wall thickness. The flow simulation highlighted the molding cycle time improvements attainable through the design optimization. Rapid prototypes were also produced to physically demonstrate potential design changes for the parts. This voucher provided the client with an excellent review of their design and demonstrated the significant advantages of design optimization for injection molding.
We are thrilled to see such an innovative product under development with this NS based company, and are pleased to collaborate with The Lobster Trap Company team with their next steps in the design and production process.
Robert Warner, P. Eng.
Senior Instructor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Product Design & Development Group
Dalhousie University

Where we’ve tested
The places the LasTrap has been fished to date:
• Digby, NS
• Port Maitland, NS
• Yarmouth, NS (inshore)
• Yarmouth, NS (offshore)
• West Pubnico, NS
• East Pubnico, NS
• Shelburne, NS
• Three Fathom Harbour, NS
• Owls Head, NS
• Escuminac, NB
• Baie-Sainte-Anne, NB
• Harbour Breton, NF
The 21st Century Lobster Trap
for todays Fisherman
Find us at
55 Rcom Dr
Yarmouth, NS • B5A 4A8
Let's connect
Scott Dauphinee.
Managing Director
(M) +1 902 740 1095
@TheLobsterTrapCompany scott.dauphinee@thelobstertrapcompany.com

Let's connect
Scott Dauphinee.
Managing Director
(M) +1 902 740 1095
@TheLobsterTrapCompany scott.dauphinee@thelobstertrapcompany.com
55 Rcom Dr
Yarmouth, NS • B5A 4A8
© Copyright The Lobster Trap Company 2019